Number pages

This tool allows you to add page numbers to PDF document.


1. Click Add, to select and add PDF files, or simply drag files from Windows Explorer.
You can add folder containing PDF files by clicking Add Folder button.
2. Click on Number Pages button on toolbar or select menu Action > Watermark > Number Pages.
3. Select options.
4. Click OK and specify destination path, to watermark and save files.


Font. Sets font size, style and color.
Text position. Sets position of page number on PDF layout.
Margins. Sets margins of page number in pixels.


Process selected pages:
1,2,3 - processes first three pages
2-4 - processes pages 2,3 and 4
1,3-5 - processes pages 1,3,4 and 5.

Command Line

PDFShaper.exe watermarknum [source PDF] [destination PDF] [x for exit]
"C:\Program Files\PDF Shaper Ultimate\PDFShaper.exe" watermarknum "C:\input.pdf" "C:\output.pdf" - adds page numbers to input.pdf file and saves file as output.pdf

PDFShaper.exe watermarknum [PSL file with paths to PDF files] [destination folder] [x for exit]
"C:\Program Files\PDF Shaper Ultimate\PDFShaper.exe" watermarknum "C:\pdflist.psl" "C:\Stamp" - adds page numbers to all files from pdflist.psl and saves PDF files to Stamp folder

Default or saved options will be used for command-line tasks.
Command line option is available in Premium and Ultimate edition only.